


shadow Emilia Romagna

Emilia - Romagna region of northern Italy. It is bordered to the north by the Veneto and Lombardy, Piedmont and Liguria to the west, south and Tuscany, Marche and the Republic of San Marino. To the east, overlooking the Adriatic Sea. The region is mostly flat, although there are significant hills and mountain ranges. Rising from the hills to the west meet the green mountains of the Emilia Romagna region, rich in woods, forests, flora and fauna with a enviable, enhanced by two national parks: that of 'Apennine and the Casentino Forests, Mount Falterona and Campigna. There are also 1 inter, 14 regional parks, 14 nature reserves. In winter you can spend intense days on the snow in the many ski resorts, including Cimone in Modena, Bologna and Corno alle Scale Cerreto lakes in Reggio Emilia. In the summer you can venture between the forests of the cheese where they are equipped dozens of paths and trekking, the tarzaning, the orienteering, hydrospeed. Deserves for its natural beauty and paesaggistista the Park of the Po Delta From the mountains, crossing the hill, you come to the coast. More than one hundred kilometers of sandy beach and many centers bathing for days of relaxation and fun. Emilia - Romagna has been inhabited since very far. Archaeological remains date back to about 4000 years ago. Many cities have Roman origins and then develop Byzantine era. The towns and villages have a strong cultural identity that is tied to its long history of political and administrative autonomy. Of artistic and architectural interest are the majority of the centers of Emilia and Romagna, and two of these have been declared World Heritage Site: Ferrara with its picturesque old town and its delights Este, and Ravenna, with its monuments and early Christian Byzantine mosaics and international interest. Emilia - Romagna is also the destination for those who want to spend time on their body and mind oriented among the many spas from Porretta, Riolo, in Ponticelli and many others. For the young and their parents a place of pleasure and game is definitely Wonderland, a large amusement park near Ravenna. Going around the region, visitors can enjoy the full-bodied foods of this land: the sausage, the ham, the flatbread, the noodles with meat sauce, the Bolognese cutlet, accompanied by sweet wines and sparkling wines.


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